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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021

Post 2: my best holidays ❄️️

My best holiday by far was when I went to Canada in 2018 however, I wouldn´t call it an actual holiday since I lived there for 6 months in a really small city called Sydney located in the province of Nova Scotia. I stayed there from September 2018 to January 2019, also I went alone but there I met so many people that made those months so special and unique. In Sydney, I did a trimester in a school called "Sydney Academy" and took really nice classes, for example, my favorite one was "dance". In addition, I went rollerskating, skiing, and saw a lot of ice hockey games, but my favorite thing was going to "Tim Hortons" a famous coffee shop in Canada, and drinking a coffee with my friends meanwhile outside was literally snowing. I will always be super grateful for this amazing experience that I got to lived, because made me more mature and independent. I got nostalgic so here are some pictures :).                               

Post 1: A country I´d like to visit 🛫

If I need to choose one country to travel to it would be Australia. Well this country is known for being really dangerous, so if you are a tourist you have to be extra careful and have your eyes wide open 24/7, so why this one? Because you can go from an extreme experience to a chill one just in a couple of hours, for example you go to a trip to the unmatched Great Barrier Reef, because if you dont get to see it you didnt go to Australia. Next day you take some surf classes, at night you are a little tired so you spend the night out watching a concert at the Sydney Opera House, and when you get out you try to find Nemo! And lastly but not less important you spend a whole day in the beach trying to get the full "Aussie experience", even though you wont be able to make it because you will be too busy looking like a basic tourist.