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Post 3: Hobbies 馃毚

I have always like doing a lot of things at the same time so I can keep myself busy, but the problem is that I get bored too quickly. However, with the pandemic going on I have found a lot of new things that I like to do. For example, at the beginning of quarantine last year I was really into tie-dye and it helped me to cope with the pandemic, but now it wouldn't be my first choice if I have time and I want to do something. Another thing is that I learnt how to make wire rings in fact, they are easy to do and before I even noticed I had like 30 in total that's why I tried to sold them on Instagram, but it didn't work out that well. In addition, I also like going out and ride my bike, but lately I haven't been able to go out that much, because I haven't had the time to do it, but I should be doing it more often because it helps me with my stress and anxiety.


  1. Hi Antonia, I agree with you, it is important to do things that help mental health, no matter how minimal they are.


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